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Spending a lot of time in front of the computer? Aren’t we all and chances are you take small breaks like me just to look at your phone. Well there is a realistic chance that just like many of us you have begun to develop forward head posture or as we call it in the industry – tech neck.
Tech neck is horrible for so many reasons: It can create headaches, makes you look unattractive (don’t believe me stick your chin out and look in the mirror) and can even result in jaw pain. Fret not because Onsight has a couple of exercises to help you out on YouTube.
- Chin retractions: This one is as simple as pulling in your chin as far back as you can while looking straight forward. Do these while driving your car by pushing back against the headrest and do as many as you can.
- Deep neck flexor training: Lying on your back, bring your chin in and pretend like you are scraping your chest with your chin. Make sure your shoulders stay down for the entire duration of the exercise. This one is more advanced and can leave you sore so stick to about 10 reps.
Contact Dr. Nick Predtechensky if you have questions or comments: DrNick@onsightchiro.com